3 Strange Items Movers Won’t Move

When you are hiring movers, you are concerned about your items, the moving company’s reputation, and the cost of professional movers. You’re making sure that they are licensed and that you are only taking the items with you that you want in your new home – you want to be sure to sell or donate unwanted items before you move, not after. It makes no sense to pay for space for unwanted items to be moved. However, there are many things that movers refuse to move! Some make sense, but others have definitely left people scratching their heads. You’ll need to make arrangements other than a moving company if you are planning on transporting the following items:

3 Strange Items Movers Won’t Move

  •  Plants
  •  Hazardous Chemicals
  •  Power Equipment With Fuel

Plants may really surprise you – but movers cannot move them!  It’s not because they are delicate and could die due to temperature changes, being crushed, or jostled around, although that certainly makes sense. It’s because they could potentially harbor insects that are not native to the new place you’re moving, and it could cause pests to be introduced into a new area. This rule generally only applies to places that are more than 150 miles. If you have a room full of plants you were planning on moving across the country, you’re going to have to make other arrangements.

Hazardous chemicals make sense, but some people may not be aware what is considered a hazardous material. For example, if you have five cans of a neutral-color paint that you’re planning  to take along to your new home for some home improvements, your moving company can’t move them, because paint is a hazardous material. If you have a laundry room with lots of bottles of unopened Bleach, they probably won’t move that, either. It’s best to use these things before you move, because in general, movers will not touch them – there’s too much liability.

If you have a large garage filled with power tools, chainsaws, lawn mowers and the like, know that they can’t be moved by professional movers if they have fuel in them  (which makes complete sense, but many people don’t consider it!) So, be sure to not fill up your lawnmower or chainsaw will gas prior to your last few uses. There are ways to siphon gas out of tools and mowers, but it’s best to follow each manufacturer’s instructions exactly, so it’s easier to just use the fuel up. This law may apply to oil as well, so be sure to clarify with your moving company, particularly if you have a lot of power tools that will be making the journey.

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