How to Make Your Move Less Stressful

Published On: June 24, 2015|Categories: Blog, How-To, Moving, Moving & Packing|

How to Make Your Move Less Stressful   Tampa Bay Homes for Sale

3 Ways to Make Your Move Less Stressful

Moving isn’t easy for anyone, even if you have great help and plenty of resources. According to experts, there are five key things you can do to make your move less stressful. When you’re moving to the Tampa Bay area, or even if you’re just moving across town, here’s what you need to know.

1. Choose Your Moving Day Wisely

You might find that it’s more convenient to move on a weekday – and it could be more cost-effective, too. Some moving companies have a lower per-mile rate during the week. However, if you’re relying on friends and family for help, the weekend might be best; just remember that utility companies, banks and other companies you need to talk to might be closed.

2. Pack an “Essentials” Bag

As you pack up your belongings in boxes for the move, keep out the things you know you’ll need. Whether you’re stashing away a child’s favorite blanket or making sure you have extra contact lens solution, it’s a good idea to keep an “Essentials” bag (or two) on-hand so you don’t have to dig through boxes to find the necessities.

If you’re really motivated, you can assign each family member his or her own “Essentials” bag and make them responsible for the contents.

Your bags should include:

  • Phone and tablet chargers
  • Snacks
  • Pajamas
  • Toiletries
  • Medications
  • Clean clothes
  • Important papers that you can’t lose

3. Have a Backup Plan for Your Tampa Bay Move

While most moves go smoothly from start to finish (not withstanding the occasional broken coffee mug or lost toy), it helps to have a backup plan in place so the entire day doesn’t fall apart.

Your backup plan should include the name and number of another moving company or truck rental agency. If you can, plan to be flexible with your moving dates in case your movers or friends and family cancel at the last minute. (It’s rare, but it happens.)

Are You Thinking of Moving to Tampa Bay?

If you’re interested in learning more about Tampa Bay homes for sale, let us know. Call 813-961-6000 if you’re in Hillsborough County or 727-584-8480 if you’re in Pinellas County. You can also contact us online and we’ll build a custom search just for you.