Voter Registration in the Greater Tampa Bay Area

Published On: August 1, 2016|Categories: Hillsborough County, Home Owners, How-To, Pasco County, Pinellas County|

voter registration in the tampa bay area   tampa bay homes for sale

Moving into a new home is taxing on the body and the mind. If you’re like most people, you have a million other things going on in life and the to-do list on the kitchen counter never seems to get any shorter.

Whether you are moving into a new subdivision down the street or moving out-of-state, working out the details can be trying.

Because most of us have relocated at some point in our lives, we know there is a lot more involved in moving than just packing your things and getting them on a truck… After transferring utilities, signing your kids up for school and getting adjusted to a new area, you can finally get rid of those boxes and start decorating the home of your dreams.

On the way to the home improvement store, you’ll inevitably notice all of the political signs and realize you haven’t changed your voter registration.

Don’t freak out, though.

Many people move during an election year and simply forget to change their voter registration.

If you have recently moved to a Tampa Bay area home and want to cast your ballot, don’t worry. Depending on the circumstances of your move, you’ll have a few different options.

In the state of Florida, you must be registered to vote 29 days before an election. Election day registration is not allowed. It is best to contact the Supervisor of Elections for your county if you have any questions.

If you have moved sometime within the 29-day deadline, federal law allows you to vote in the presidential election, through your former state of legal residence. You may do this in person or through absentee ballot—you will have to check with your prior county clerk for details.

If you are a Florida resident and have moved outside of your county, you may vote a provisional ballot, if you did not change your registration in the time allowed.

Florida allows you to register to vote in person or by mail. You can download and complete a registration application and mail it to your local Supervisor of Elections or take it to any Florida driver’s license or tax collector’s office, as well as any public assistance office. There are many Department of Motor Vehicle Service Centers in the Tampa Bay area.

Are You Looking for a New Home in Tampa Bay?

When you’re ready to start looking at homes for sale in Hillsborough CountyPasco County or Pinellas County, we’re here to help.

Call us at 727-584-8480 or 813-961-6000. If it’s easier, get in touch with us online. We’ll begin searching for your new home right away.