How to Enroll Your Child in Tampa Schools

Published On: August 2, 2017|Categories: Blog, Tampa|Tags: , |

How to register your child in tampa schools   tampa homes for sale

Registering your child in Tampa, FL public schools requires the documents below. A parent/legal guardian must accompany student.

Students coming from a Florida public school must bring:

1. A report card or transcript from the last school attended

2. Authentication of student’s birthday

3. Immunization records proving student has required immunizations

Students from ANY private school or a public school outside Florida must bring:

1. Proof student had physical examination within last 12 months by Hillsborough County Heath Department or licensed and approved health care provider

2. A report card or transcript from the last school attended

3. Student’s birthday verified by one of following:
a. State of Florida Birth Registration Card or certified birth certificate
b. Baptismal certificate showing birth date and location plus parents’ sworn affidavit
c. Child’s insurance policy in force for two years or more
d. Child’s Bible birth record plus parents’ sworn affidavit
e. U.S. passport or certificate of arrival showing birthday
f. School record for last four years showing birthday
g. Heath certificate showing child’s age plus parents’ sworn affidavit

4. Immunization records verifying child has proper immunizations

ALL students must bring:

1. Verification of parents’/legal guardians’ address (two needed):
a. Property tax receipt or homestead exemption
b. Home purchase contract
d. Lease agreement
e. Warranty deed
f. Current electric bill

2. Proof of residency with parent or legal guardian